Shooting immediately

3 years 1 month ago #144867 by lazerozen
Hey dear players,
after around 24 years I am back on Sensi and I love it.
I wonder something - I don't know if I simply forgot it or if it's not even possible:
how can I shoot immediately when I get the ball?
The CPU does this all the time - goalie drops the ball - BAM - proper shot - goal.
However, I only seem to be able to issue a pass quickly.
Thanks for taking the time and reading this.

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3 years 1 month ago #144871 by Playaveli
Replied by Playaveli on topic Shooting immediately
Hold down fire to shoot the ball.

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3 years 1 month ago #144875 by lazerozen
Replied by lazerozen on topic Shooting immediately
thanks, sure, that's how I do it when I have the time to set up a shot.
but it feels like that's just a bit too slow for an immediate shot.
do you understand what I mean? i feel like when the game registers "that's a shot, not just a pass", it's too late and the chance is gone.

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3 years 1 month ago #144877 by Playaveli
Replied by Playaveli on topic Shooting immediately
The computer always has the 0 ping/latency/reaction time advantage. No way around that.

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3 years 1 month ago - 3 years 1 month ago #144879 by thd79
Replied by thd79 on topic Shooting immediately
I would guess that the computer can 'cheat' too. In order to shoot rather than pass in SWOS, you have to hold the fire button down for a number of frames - I'm not sure exaclty how many but I would imagine a press lasting under 4 frames triggers a pass, and over this is a shot. The computer opponent is probably able to just trigger a shot immediately.

(Much in the same way that the computer Blanka in Street Fighter 2 could trigger a rolling ball attack without having to push back for 2 seconds)

I've often wondered how the CPU opponent is able to do certain things though - I don't play 1 player much, but when I do, I think over 80% of the CPU goals come via shots from rebounds. I've never seen a human player score goals in exactly that way.
Last edit: 3 years 1 month ago by thd79.

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3 years 1 month ago #144881 by Playaveli
Replied by Playaveli on topic Shooting immediately
If you play the megadrive version, you have the A-Button, which triggers a shot immideatly. Downside is, you cannot curve it the way you want, it's auto-directed towards the goal, which sometimes ends up in weird looking shots.

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3 years 1 month ago #144886 by lazerozen
Replied by lazerozen on topic Shooting immediately
Thanks a lot for all your answers. I guess this is then the way it is. In a way, I am happy, that means I didn't just forget how to do it :)

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