sensible soccer database history (more or less)

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10 years 9 months ago #120205 by ballesterer

i am a writer for the austrian football magazine ballesterer (see, and currently writing on an article about football video games. and by football i mean soccer, of course. the point at which sensible soccer comes into play is the data. today fifa games and the like gather data through freelancers, statistics and agents around the world, which means, of course, the internet. how did the makers of sensible soccer manage to get such a huge database of existing players from literally every country in the world in 199x, when the world wide web was nothing like it is today? and second: how much effort is made in keeping the names up to date by the people who play and love sensible soccer today?
i hope some of you can answer these questions.
and i apologize for starting a new thread. i am in quite a hurry, so i couldn t thoroughly search the forum for similar ones.

thank you very much

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10 years 9 months ago #120207 by Rock and Roll

I can t answer your first question, but someone else here might be able to. That or you could try to contact Jon Hare who programmed the game.

The second is easy...a lot. We have a major team/player update each and every season thanks to Synchronated and many others. We ve also updated all countries of the world to recreate the South Africa 2010 World Cup (with all qualifying matches) and there s an update in progress for the 2014 World Cup. There are different ways of finding information to update the teams, the internet, help from other football games and of course...watching football.

You don t have to apologize by the way. Good luck with your article!

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10 years 9 months ago - 10 years 9 months ago #120208 by Playaveli
(auch auf Deutsch möglich, wenn das besser ist?!)

Thanks for your post. I think many of us are really interested in your article. Keep us updated.
Now, to your questions:

how did the makers of sensible soccer manage to get such a huge database of existing players from literally every country in the world in 199x, when the world wide web was nothing like it is today?

Researchers Mike Hammond (main man!! He did it since the first version) and Serge van Hoof (assisting! joined Mike in 1994 for SWOS!) did that mostly by telephone, asking the associations or nation s sport press to send a fax with all the squads.
As you can imagine this kind of researching wasn t necessarily easy! :)

how much effort is made in keeping the names up to date by the people who play and love sensible soccer today?

The effort is really a big one. For the last years the most acknowledged and accurate updates have been done by Synchronated (
Maybe he can tell you more about it.

Good luck. If you need more info about anything feel free to ask!

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10 years 9 months ago #120209 by ElMichaJ
additional info ...

i think we are one of the very rare gaming communities which try to play in competion style in real football.

national leagues with qualifiers for eurocups ...
as well as an international league .

and for sure our nice world cups :D

Hey Hey Hey .... El Micha J !!!

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10 years 9 months ago #120212 by ballesterer
Replied by ballesterer on topic Re: sensible soccer database history (more or less)
kurz zusammengefasst: danke!!

or thank you, whoever may rather read that in english :)

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10 years 8 months ago #120450 by ballesterer

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10 years 8 months ago #120451 by Playaveli

aaaand published it is! cat_id=270


Looking forward to the article!

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10 years 8 months ago #120969 by ballesterer

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10 years 8 months ago #120972 by FIncad

online :)

Any change to get that article in clear english, meaning that i can translate it to english with googletranslator, lol.



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10 years 8 months ago #120996 by ballesterer
Replied by ballesterer on topic Re: sensible soccer database history (more or less)

Any change to get that article in clear english, meaning that i can translate it to english with googletranslator, lol.



well if you can arrange it somehow i won t complain. i doubt that i personally have a. the skills required and b. the time to do it properly. although i admit it is a bit of a challenge.

maybe someone in the community here wants to do it ;)

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